Life cycles are a series of stages through which living things grow, change, reproduce and eventually die. The various stages are always represented in a circle as it is continuous. The focus for this program will be on animal life cycles.
Prior Knowledge
No prior knowledge is required.
Key Learning Question
How can we use Sphero Bolts to show the various stages of an animal’s life cycle?
Learning Intentions
In this program students will:
- Define the term life cycle
- Learn the life cycle of an animal – insect, frog, reptile, bird or mammal
- Explore the various stages of an animal’s life cycle
- Learn how to use the Sphero Bolts to draw & describe the various stages of their animal’s life cycle
- Move their Sphero Bolt around in a circle.
Students will:
- Draw the various stages of their animal’s life cycle and animate their images using Matrix Animation on iPads with Sphero Bolts
- Use suitable animal sounds to enhance their animated images on iPads with Sphero Bolts
- Type in information about each stage of their animal’s life cycle.
- Move their Sphero Bolts around in a circle during the various stages of their animal’s life cycle.
Victorian Curriculum
Science - Biological sciences
- Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things (VCSSU057 [1])
- Different living things have different life cycles and depend on each other and the environment to survive (VCSSU058 [2])
Digital Technologies – Digital Systems
- Explore a range of digital systems with peripheral devices for different purposes, and transmit different types of data (VCDTDS019 [3])
Digital Technologies – Data and Information
- Individually and with others, plan, create and communicate ideas and information safely, applying agreed ethical and social protocols (VCDTDI022 [4])
Digital Technologies – Creating Digital Solutions
- Develop simple solutions as visual programs (VCDTCD024 [5])