Professional learning development

Professional Learning Development

In 2024, Ecolinc will organise the following Professional Learning programs

Topic Date Cost Description
1. Coastcare Schools Kit PD

Click here to download the program flyer

Various dates Free Ecolinc and Coastcare Victoria have joined forces to deliver an exciting professional learning opportunity that focuses on familiarising and upskilling educators in the use of the free online Coastcare Schools Kit and how to empower students to become coastal environmental change makers.
2. AI: Opportunities for Educators PD

Explore the program details by clicking here

5th-6th Aug 2024 Free Explore the opportunities and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom, understand how AI works and how it can be safely used to enhance engaging, effective learning experiences
3. VCE Environmental Science PD

Click here to download the program flyer

26th Aug 2024 Free Ecolinc Science and Technology Centre invites VCE Environmental Science teachers to a professional development opportunity designed to:
  • Unpack the misconceptions, mistakes and misunderstandings that students have made in the 2023 Year 12 Environmental Science exam.
  • Explore the importance of experiential learning in VCE Environmental Science.
  • Participate in a range of ‘hands-on’ workshops to explore what Ecolinc can offer your VCE Environmental Science students.