How Healthy is your Waterway?
Waterways are vital ecosystems providing habitat to many native plants and animals. They are also an important part of human life providing water for residential use and irrigation of crops and livestock. However, human activities can impact the water quality of waterways. To determine the quality of a waterway, biological and chemical tests can be conducted. Biological tests involve sampling and identifying the macroinvertebrates. Chemical testing involves undertaking turbidity, pH, salinity and temperature tests.
Prior Knowledge
No prior knowledge necessary.
This is a stand alone activity. This program is designed for a school that has a local waterway they wish to study.
Key Learning Question
How healthy is your waterway?
Learning Intentions
In this program students will:
- Learn how to assess the health of a waterway using biological and chemical tests
Students will:
- Sample a local waterway
- Use stereo microscopes to view and identify macroinvertebrates in the sample to assess the health of the waterway
- Use various instruments to sample the temperature, pH, salinity and turbidity of the waterway to assess the health of the waterway
Victorian Curriculum
Science – Science as a human endeavour
- Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to inform personal and community decisions and to solve problems that directly affect people’s lives (VCSSU073)
Science – Biological sciences