
Latest news stories

Keeping you informed with our latest news and events at Ecolinc. If you would like to know more about any of these news stories, please feel free to contact us via our contacts or feedback page.

  • 24 July 2015

    New Centre Director at Ecolinc 

    Ecolinc would like to welcome our new Centre Director, Ms Linda Flynn.  Linda commenced at the beginning of Term 3.

    This week at Ecolinc

    This week we have had a very full program with a number of schools across the state enjoying some of our most popular programs.  This week our primary visitors have been participating in the ‘Minibeasts’, ‘Plants World' and ‘Digging up the Diprotodon’ programs.

  • 10 November 2013

    Ecolinc is currently collaborating with the University of Melbourne to expand the current BWVP Flora and Fauna Field Guide app to include grasslands across south-eastern Australia. The new app and website will feature a number of bioregions and associated plant and animal species, and is expected to be completed by the end of 2014.

  • 10 November 2013

    The final BWVP web based learning objects are nearing completion. Ecolinc hopes to launch the complete online outreach program during Education Week in May 2014, with free programs for students wishing to participate in a range of BWVP learning objects.

    A teacher professional learning day will be conducted on Friday 20 June 2014 to preview all learning objects. This will include an optional evening visit to Mt Rothwell where a range of species can be observed after dark. This visit will complement the BWVP 'Virtual Tour of Mt Rothwell' learning object.


  • 10 November 2013

    All approved plant and animal sightings made via the BWVP Flora and Fauna Field Guide app and website will now be exported to the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) website. This means that data provided to Ecolinc is now available to a wider audience including students, community members, scientists and researchers across Australia and beyond. All sightings are fully acknowledged to the person making the sighting and to the Ecolinc BWVP project.


  • 28 July 2013

    Ecolinc in collaboration with ClimateWatch has produced an online field guide and trail for the Ecolinc wetland/grassland, which can be used in conjunction with the ClimateWatch app. The behaviour of particular species which inhabit the Ecolinc environment, which may provide evidence of global warming, are featured within this trail. Details below


  • 28 July 2013

    'Quadrats Online' is the next web-based learning object to be released as part of the Ecolinc BWVP online outreach program. A teacher professional learning day is planned to demonstrate quadrat mapping on Friday 13 September 2013. Participants will explore virtual and actual plant quadrats to investigate the vegetation of the Western Volcanic Plains. Quadrats will be mapped using the new web-based tool at Ecolinc, followed by an optional trip to the Mt Rothwell Biodiversity Interpretation Centre to complete further quadrat mapping, and to view a range of nocturnal grassland species.

  • 11 February 2013

    The 2013 Ecolinc teacher professional learning program has now been finalised. Full details may be found under the Professional Learning Development (PLD) tab. The June and September programs will feature two different interactive programs developed for Ecolinc's new 'Biodiversity of the Western Plains' online program while the December program will feature our annual VCE Science program with previews of new 2014 VCE Science programs.

    Registration forms are now available for all Ecolinc professional learning day programs. These can be downloaded, or you can book online.

  • 25 January 2013

    Ecolinc's first app, 'Biodiversity of the Western Volcanic Plains Flora and Fauna Field Guide', featuring a flora and fauna field guide and mobile survey tool was released on Friday 21 June 2013, the date of Ecolinc's scheduled teacher professional learning day, highlighting this new online tool. The app is now available free from the App Store. This is one of several learning objects which will comprise Ecolinc's new online outreach program 'Biodiversity of the Western Volcanic Plains'.

  • 24 May 2012

    Ecolinc, with support from the DEECD, has successfully received a significant funding grant from the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) to develop an online learning program focusing on the biodiversity of the Western Volcanic Plains.

  • 24 May 2012

    ‘Discovering Wetlands Online’ was officially launched at Ecolinc on Friday 22 June 2012, during Ecolinc’s first teacher professional learning day for the year. Guest speakers included aquatic ecologist, Mr Jason Sonneman (DesignFlow), environmental scientist Professor Peter Gell (University of Ballarat) and palaeontologist Dr Stephen Carey (University of Ballarat).
